We provide our students with personalised instruction from some of the best teachers in South Africa & the World in a safe environment. Our teachers have demonstrated perseverance in this difficult industry and have undergone successful professional dance careers while passionately using their stories and experiences to help younger aspiring dancers.
Together, we provide our students with interactive training that challenges both their bodies and their minds.
Spanish Teacher
Carli Olivier
Seeking to expose our students to excellent international training and equip them with the tools needed for their chosen paths, we host regular master classes in collaboration with renowned & respected dancers, choreographers, and masters.
Guest master classes take place both live in our studios and over Zoom, enabling us to partner with experts from across the world.
Guest Teacher
Michael Trusnovec
Guest Teacher
Michael Waldrop
Guest Teacher
Rory Freeman
Guest Teacher
David Matamela
Guest Teacher
Angela Malan
Guest Teacher
Runqiao Du
Guest Teacher
Carli Olivier
Guest Teacher
Sylvaine Strike
Guest Teacher
Monique Martinengo
Guest Teacher
Tyler Gilstrap
Guest Teacher
Jenalee Thompson
Guest Teacher
Christian Tátchev
Guest Teacher
Hope Mamaine
Guest Teacher
Nicole Duffy
Guest Teacher
Kelby Brown
Guest Teacher
Dominic Walsh